an Italian miniature donkey found near my dads house. This poor little guy is the lucky one. He survived. His pen mate and life long friend didn't. His pen mate starved to death as a result of being in their corral without feed or water for several weeks. there are pictures in my flickr site of these two wonderful healthy donkeys when we were staying with my dad over the summer. TThe pictures are very safe and not at all of the sick animal he is now. but as he was a wonderful healthy donkey.
The cost of special feed and medical care for this wonderful being is outrageous. I have adopted him although my dad is physically caring for him and he will be joining the herd of donkeys that my dad cares for.
Here is the whole story. beware. it is painful.
Today a man came buy my dad's house and was saying you gotta get to that ranch by woman's name removed. One of those Italian donkeys is starved to death and the other one is about to go. the man whose ranch house it was moved to Florida and left the donkeys in their pen. To starve to death.s o my dad takes the miniature donkey, this beautiful Italian donkey, bred for working in the mines in Italy. He emails the guy (who I think has a special place in hell just for him and had better fucking not ever speak to me while I'm in my dads town cos I will be very mean to him.)
So the emails are:
My Dad:
Do you still own the house and land in Marathon? The brown donkey has been dead for about a week- name changed told me today that he saw it yesterday walking his dogs. The gray one is looking real rough, I jumped the fence just now and gave it a little hay. With your permission I will take it up to my place and put it on special feed until it gets some flesh back. I really wish you would have asked me to check on them. Who was responsible for feeding them? Not one blade of grass in their pen, even the chollas (native cactus, nothing would eat the cactus except if it was starving to death.) gnawed at. Please let me know if it is OK to try to nurse the grey one back to shape. my dad's name.
Guy who is going to hell: Please take, I guess no one I asked checked on them. Thanks Name removed
My Dad: I'll get him on feed again starting tonight. His gums return to color well so he isn't going to need a vet, but his hips don't have any flesh and the ribs and spinal processes are evident to the touch WHO was supposed to be feeding them?
Guy who is going to hell: I appreciate it. I don't think it will do any good to point any fingers. I guess there was some communication problems. I feel like shit this happened. I had about four different people checking on them. No one appears to have done it. What the story with you and your donkeys? What's your plans? I'll be out next month. Thanks my dad
My Dad: Mine are thriving on my own place, new barn and fences. I will take the little guy up there tomorrow morning, I have some therapeutic feed I can start him out on. Pointing fingers is exactly what I would like to do here. I am very tempted to say: "tell me the names of the irresponsible persons that did this, before the sheriff and reporter get here at ten AM tomorrow". that's just how I feel about it.
Me talking now, which is what i think he should do. My dad called yesterday afternoon, right after this all happened to ask if I had any money. I am sending what I have. And I am setting up a sale on my etsy store. All the profits to go this baby donkey. So it can stay alive. I don't know what else to do. I am so so so upset. So um pray for this donkey? please? or do a dance? or hmmm.. light candles, move clouds whatever it is you do? please? I am upset about the whole thing, they ate cactus to try to keep from dying. So I am adopting the donkey and if my dad can't find out its given name he is going to name it after me. ftr the donkey is staying with my dad and his herd of donkey's NOT moving to my house. He has a wonderful pen, huge! And a whole donkey family for this lil thing to recover with.